10 Most Mind-Blowing Discoveries In The Last Year

Well it may be pretty hard to believe that there have been some pretty amazing discoveries made lately. Advancements in Medical Sciences, new planets, new creatures and some pretty scary sounding facts. Here are 10 of the most mind-blowing discoveries we've made.
10 Most Mind-Blowing Discoveries In The Last Year

1- Undead Gene

1- Undead Gene

People have wondered for years what happens when we die. Obviously our bodies begin to shut down and we decay, but in June 2016 researchers at the University of Washington in Seattle discovered the undead gene. While some of us may be thinking, do you want zombies? Because that is how you get zombies, scientists aren't looking for a way to activate these genes to allow for reanimation. The genes appeared in animals shortly after death and researchers believe that these genes could help improve the preservation of organs destined for transplantation. They also found that some of the genes that promote cancer become more active, which would explain why people who receive transplants with a recently deceased have higher risks of cancer.

2- Ninth Planet

2- Ninth Planet

The hunt for a ninth planet may be nothing new, but it's been going on for decades. Even though Pluto was demoted to dwarf status in August 2006 scientists recently discovered another planet beyond Neptune. Planet 9 is a hypothetical large planet on the outer reaches of our solar system. It was in January 2016 that researchers konstantin batygin and michael brown discovered the planet thought to be 5000 times the mass of Pluto. A single year on planet 9 is equal to 17,000 years here on earth. Because of its unusual orbit and mass it seems to be slowly twisting the solar system out of alignment, but it's not as scary as it sounds. Scientists are still looking into the effects of this mysterious planet.

3- Cybernetic implant

3- Cybernetic implant

Well the idea of cybernetics may sound like something out of a sci-fi movie we're getting closer and closer to achieving it on some level every year. in April 2016 scientists implants of an electrical device into the motor cortex, the part of the brain that controls movement of a paralyzed man named Ian Burkhart. They also connected a sleeve of electrodes to his forearm to help receive the signals. the implant allowed him to move his pain hand, wrists and fingers for the first time in five years. Chad Boonton of the Feinstein Institute for medical research in New York and his team created the device. due to the success with Burkhardt scientists hope the technology could one day be used to help quadriplegics regain autonomy.

4- Stem Cells Help Stroke Patients Heal

4- Stem Cells Help Stroke Patients Heal

For years scientists have been researching the benefits of stem cells, but it's only been recently that we've seen the results. In 2016 a clinical trial was held at Stanford University's School of Medicine involving patients that had suffered several chronic strokes. Modified human stem cells were injected directly into their brains and a side of mild headaches no negative side effects have occurred in the 18 patients that participated. The results showed that all of the patients continue to heal beyond the usual time frame and were even noticing increased mobility. Some patients were even able to walk where they had previously been limited to wheelchairs.

5- Gene Mutation That Caused Life On Earth

5- Gene Mutation That Caused Life On Earth

For billions of years life consisted of single-celled organisms just floating around the ocean. One day something triggered a change causing the single cells to evolve into multicellular creatures. For years scientists have tried to identify that trigger, but it wasn't until early 2016 that they found their answer. In Atlanta, Georgia a group of evolutionary biologists discovered a lone gene capable of mutating single-celled organisms into multicellular organisms. Named ace2 this tiny variation in DNA caused a protein to switch its role as an enzyme to a new one that allowed for the rearrangement.

6- 5D storage

6- 5D storage

We all know the time makes fools of us all and that everything eventually begins the decay or disintegrate. With this in mind we also know that nothing lasts forever, so how can we be sure our information lasts? Well in February 2016 scientists and Southampton finalized the design for a digital data storage device capable of surviving for billions of years. referred to as 5 dimensional data storage the disks are made using nano structured glass and can store up to 360 terabytes on a single 5D disc. Unlike traditional CD storage these discs are not vulnerable to heat, scratches amid or exposure to oxygen. Imagine being able to store copies of the most important documents on a device that could outlive the human race itself.

7- Trees sleep

7- Trees sleep

Pretty much all life on Earth needs to sleep at some point, but what about trees? Until recently it seemed like a silly question, but in May 2016 researchers in Austria, Hungary and Finland use laser scanners to study the day/night rhythms of trees. Through their research they found that trees are no different than most other living organisms and do indeed “sleep”. During the nighttime hours the lasers showed that the entire tree droops gradually and then begins to perk up again just before sunrise. Multiple trees were observed to rule out effects of weather and location and the findings with the same.

8- Earth's other moon

8- Earth's other moon

During the spring months of 2016 researchers found that earth has more than satellites, space junk and chunks of floating rocks orbiting around it. In addition to our known moon researchers discovered a second object, roughly 120 feet across and 300 feet wide. it's believed that has been orbiting us for over a hundred years and will continue to orbit us for hundreds more. it was named 2016 hi3 after being discovered over Hawaii. This mini moon, which is really an asteroid poses no threat to us however as it never gets any closer than 9 million miles.

9- Stem Cells to Repair Spinal Injury

9- Stem Cells to Repair Spinal Injury

Spinal cord injury can often lead to mobility issues and occur when the spinal cord becomes damaged. Due to the devastating effects spinal cord injury can have scientists have been looking for new ways to improve the lives of those suffering. while the idea of using stem cells isn't a new idea it wasn't until 2016 that researchers at the University of California were able to successfully use a specialized type of stem cell to regrow nerve tissue. Using immature neural stem cells researchers were able to regenerate nerve cells between the brain and the spine. However tests have only been successful in lab mice so far and we're still a few years away from human trials.

10- Climbing fish

10- Climbing fish

Albert Einstein once said everyone is a genius, but if you judge a fish by his ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. In March 2016 scientists discovered the Cryptotora Thamicola, a fish with the ability to climb. The blind cave dwelling fish was discovered in Thailand. It uses its front tooth fins and back tooth fins to pull itself up rocks and waterfalls in a very similar way to salamanders. Unlike other walking fish like the mudskipper and climbing perch this fish doesn't push itself with its tail using side to side movements. Instead it plants its fins and moves the same way a four-legged vertebrate would.

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